Dictionnaire étymologique

Date de création : 15/08/2020 15:10

Rédaction en cours !

La plupart des listes de mots toki pona sont limitées aux mots présents uniquement dans le livre pu. Ce lexique a été conçu pour inclure tous ces mots, mais aussi ceux référencés avant la publication de pu et ceux d'usage courant tels que ceux utilisés dans la communautés en ligne, y compris les forums , Facebook, Discord et Twitter.

Origines :

  • ~pre-pu~ – words created by jan Sonja in the period before the publication of pu
  • ~pu~ – definitions appearing in pu
  • ~alt. usage~ – usages of pu words that deviate from their definitions in pu
  • ~post-pu~ – community-invented words with limited use among specific subcommunities
  • ~humorous~ – words originally created as a joke
  • ~prop.~ – words merely proposed as options for the community, but rejected
  • ~word of Sonja~ – non-pu words presented spontaneously by jan Sonja
  • (pv.) – preverb
  • ← – etymology


a – ~pu~ (emphasis, emotion or confirmation) {see kin} ←? onomatopoeia

akesi – ~pu~ non-cute animal; reptile, amphibian ← Dutch hagedis ‘lizard’

ala – ~pu~ no, not, zero; [~ ala ~] (used to form a yes-no question) ← Georgian არა ara ‘no’

alasa – ~pu~ to hunt, forage | ~alt. usage~ (pv.) try to {see lukin} ← Acadian French à la chasse ‘hunting’ ← French chasser ‘to hunt’

ale/ali – ~pu~ all; abundant, countless, bountiful, every, plentiful; abundance, everything, life, universe; one hundred | ~alt. usage~ twenty; 100; 120 ← Dutch alle ‘all’

alu – ~post-pu~ (between the main sentence and the context phrase) {see la} ← toki pona *al (la reversed)

anpa – ~pu~ bowing down, downward, humble, lowly, dependent ← Acadian French en bas ‘below’

ante – ~pu~ different, altered changed, other ← Dutch ander ‘other, different’

anu – ~pu~ or | ~alt. usage~ choose, decide ← Georgian ან an ‘or’

apeja – ~pre-pu~ shame, guilt ←? Finnish häpeä ‘shame, disgrace, dishonor’

awen – ~pu~ enduring, kept, protected, safe, waiting, staying; (pv.) to continue to ← Dutch houden ‘keep, care for, hold (in a particular state)’

e – ~pu~ (before the direct object) ←?

en – ~pu~ (between multiple subjects) | ~alt. usage~ (coordinates modifiers in a pi-phrase) ← Dutch en ‘and’

epiku – ~post-pu, humorous~ {see sikomo} ← English epic

esun – ~pu~ market, shop, fair, bazaar, business transaction ←? of Akan origin

ete – ~post-pu~ beyond, exceeding, outside of, more than {see selo, weka} ← Turkish öte “beyond, further, over”

ewe – ~post-pu~ stone, gravel, rock, pebble, lava, magma (when used, kiwen is limited to ‘metal, hardness’ {see kiwen} ← ?

ijo – ~pu~ thing, phenomenon, object, matter ← Esperanto io ‘something’ ← Romance i- ‘(relative pronoun root)’

ike – ~pu~ bad, negative; non-essential, irrelevant | ~alt. usage~ complicated, complex ← Finnish ilkeä ‘bad, mean, wicked’

iki – ~pre-pu~ {see ona} ←?

ilo – ~pu~ tool, implement, machine, device ← Esperanto ilo ‘tool’ ← German -el ‘(agent suffix)’ {cf. Schlüssel ‘key’ ~ schließen ‘lock, shut’)

ini – ~post-pu~ the digit ‘2’ ← Cantonese 二/貳 yih ‘two’

insa – ~pu~ centre, content, inside, between; internal organ, stomach ← Tok Pisin insait ‘inside, center, stomach’ ← English inside

ipi – ~pre-pu, prop.~ (presented as an early alternative to iki) {see ona} ←?

itomi – ~post-pu, humorous~ Schadenfreude, indirect insult or disrespect, shade ← English hit or miss (from the song ‘Mia Khalifa’ by iLOVEFRiDay)

jaki – ~pu~ disgusting, obscene, sickly, toxic, unclean, unsanitary ← English yucky

jaku – ~post-pu~ 100 {see ale/ali} ← Japanese 百 hyaku '100'

jalan – ~pre-pu, prop.~ foot {see noka} ←Finnish jalan ‘afoot’ (← jalka ‘foot’)

jami – ~post-pu~ eliciting a positive sensory or stimulating experience {see suwi} ← English yummy

jan – ~pu~ human being, person, somebody ← Cantonese 人 jan ‘person’

jans – ~post-pu, humorous~ a particular group of early members of the ma pona Discord ← toki pona jan and English -/z/ ‘[plural]’

jasima – ~post-pu~ reflect, resound, mirror, be on the opposite/polar end of ← Turkish yansıtmak ‘to reflect, reverberate’

jatu – ~post-pu~ the digit ‘1’ ← Cantonese 一/壹 yāt ‘one’

jelo – ~pu~ yellow, yellowish ← English yellow

jo – ~pu~ to have, carry, contain, hold {see lon, poki, lanpan} ← Mandarin 有 yǒu ‘have’

kajo – ~post-pu~ the digit ‘9’ ← Cantonese 九 /玖 gáu ‘nine’

kala – ~pu~ fish, marine animal, sea creature ← Finnish kala ‘fish’

kalama – ~pu~ to produce a sound; recite, utter aloud ← Serbo-Croatian galama галама ‘fuss, noise’

kama – ~pu~ arriving, coming, future, summoned; (pv.) to become, manage to, succeed in ← Tok Pisin kamap ‘event, arrive, happen, become, bring about, summon’ ← English come up

kamalawala – ~post-pu~ anarchy, uprising, revolt, rebellion ← toki pona ‘kama pi lawa ala’

kan – ~pre-pu~ with, among {see poka} ← ?Finnish kanssa ‘with’ or Esperanto kun ‘with’ (← Latin cum)

kapa – ~pre-pu~ extrusion, protrusion, hill, mountain, button {see nena} ← ?Dutch kop ‘head, cup’ or Esperanto kapo ‘head’ (← Latin caput)

kapesi – ~pre-pu~ brown, gray ← Greek καφές kafés ‘coffee’ or ?French café ‘light brown’

kasi – ~pu~ plant, vegetation; herb, leaf ← Finnish kasvi ‘plant’

ke – ~post-pu~ (acknowledgment or acceptance) {see oke} ← English ’kay ← okay

ken – ~pu~ (pv.) to be able to, be allowed to, can, may; possible ← Tok Pisin ken ← English can

kepeken – ~pu~ to use, with, by means of ← Dutch gebruiken ‘to use’

kijetesantakalu – ~pre-pu, humorous, word of Sonja~ any animal from the Procyonidae family, such as raccoons, coatis, kinkajous, olingos, ringtails and cacomistles ← Finnish kierteishäntäkarhu ‘kinkajou’ ← kierteis ‘spiral’ + häntä ‘tail’ + karhu ‘bear’

kili – ~pu~ fruit, vegetable, mushroom ← Georgian ხილი xili ‘fruit’

kin – ~pu~ {see a} | ~pre-pu, alt. usage~ too, also, as well ← Finnish -kin ‘too, also, still’

kipisi – ~pre-pu~ split, cut, slice {see tu} ← Iñupiat kipriruk ‘cut’ or Swahili kipisi ‘sliver, small piece of wood’

kiwen – ~pu~ hard object, metal, rock, stone ← Finnish kiven, genitive of kivi ‘stone’

ko – ~pu~ clay, clinging form, dough, semi-solid, paste, powder ← Cantonese 膏 gou ‘cream, paste’

kon – ~pu~ air, breath; essence, spirit; hidden reality, unseen agent ← Mandarin 空氣 kōngqì ‘air, atmosphere, ambience, opinion’

kule – ~pu~ colourful, pigmented, painted | ~alt. usage~ of or relating to the LGBT+community ← Acadian French couleur ‘color’

kulu – ~post-pu~ {shortened variant of kulupu}; six {particularly in senary base} ← toki pona kulupu

kulupu – ~pu~ community, company, group, nation, society, tribe ← Tongan kulupu ← English group

kuntu – ~post-pu~ laughter, humor {see musi} ← toki pona k.m.t.u ← ‘kalama musi tan uta’

kute – ~pu~ ear; to hear, listen; pay attention to, obey ← Acadian French écouter ‘listen’

la – ~pu~ (between the context phrase and the main sentence) ← Esperanto la ‘(definite article)’ ← Romance la ‘(feminine singular definite article)’ ← Acadian French -la`’(proximal & topical suffix)’

lanpan – ~post-pu~ take, seize, catch, receive, get {see jo, alasa} ← Greek λαμβάνω lamváno ‘take, seize, grasp, receive’

lape – ~pu~ sleeping, resting ← Dutch slapen ‘sleep’

laso – ~pu~ blue, green ← Welsh glas ‘blue, inexperienced’ ← Proto-Brythonic glas ‘green, blue’

lawa – ~pu~ head, mind; to control, direct, guide, lead, own, plan, regulate, rule ← Serbo-Croatian glava глава ‘head’

leko – ~pre-pu~ stairs, square, block ← ?English Lego (← Danish Lego ← ‘leg godt’ ‘play well’) or Finnish lohko ‘block, section’

len – ~pu~ cloth, clothing, fabric, textile; cover, layer of privacy ← Acadian French linge ‘clothing’

lenke – ~post-pu~ the digit ‘0’ ← Cantonese 〇/零 lìhng ‘zero’

lete – ~pu~ cold, cool; uncooked, raw ← Acadian French frette ‘cold’ ← Old French freit ‘cold’

li – ~pu~ (between any subject except mi alone or sina alone and its verb; also to introduce a new verb for the same subject) ← Esperanto li ‘he’ {cf. Tok Pisin transitive suffix -im} ← Latin ille

likujo – ~post-pu~ collection, assortment, menagerie, arrangement, handful, harvest {see kulupu, alasa}; seven ← Acadian French recueil ‘collection, ensemble, anthology’

lili – ~pu~ little, small, short; few; a bit; young ← Tok Pisin liklik ‘small, little’ ← Ramoaaina liklik

linja – ~pu~ long and flexible thing; cord, hair, rope, thread, yarn | ~alt. usage~ line,connection ← Finnish linja ‘line’ ← Old Swedish linia

linluwi – ~post-pu~ network(s), internet(s) {see len} ← Welsh rhyngrwyd ‘internet’ (← rhwng ‘between’ + rhwyd ‘net’)

lipu – ~pu~ flat object; book, document, card, paper, record, website ← Finnish lippu ‘flag, banner, ticket’

loje – ~pu~ red, reddish ← Dutch rooie ‘red (inflected)’ ← rood ‘red’

lokon – ~post-pu, humorous~ {a compromise between lukin & oko} ← toki pona lukin & oko

loku – ~post-pu~ the digit ‘6’ ← Cantonese 六 /陸 luhk ‘six’

lon – ~pu~ located at, present at, real, true, existing | ~alt. usage~ (affirmative response) ← Tok Pisin long ‘at, in, on, (spacial particle)’ ← English along

luka – ~pu~ arm, hand, tactile organ; five | ~alt. usage~ touch {physically}, interact, press ← Serbo-Croatian ruka рука ‘hand, arm’

lukin – ~pu~ eye {see oko}; look at, see, examine, observe, read, watch; (pv.) to seek,look for, try to {see alasa} ← Tok Pisin lukim ‘see, look at’ ← luk ‘look’ (← English look) + -im‘(transitive suffix)’ (← English him, ’em)

lupa – ~pu~ door, hole, orifice, window ← Lojban clupa ‘loop’ (← Mandarin 圈 quān, English loop, Hindi पाश pāś, Arabic أنشوطة‏ ʾanšūṭa)

ma – ~pu~ earth, land; outdoors, world; country, territory; soil ← Finnish maa ‘earth, land’

majuna – ~pre-pu~ old, aged ← Esperanto maljuna ‘old’ ← mal- ‘(opposite of)’ (← Latin malus) + juna ‘young’ (← German jung & French jeune)

mama – ~pu~ parent, ancestor; creator, originator; caretaker, sustainer ← Georgian მამა mama ‘father’

mani – ~pu~ money, cash, savings, wealth; large domesticated animal ← English money {cf. fee and pecuniary etymologies}

meli – ~pu~ woman, female, feminine person; wife {see mije, tonsi} ← Tok Pisin meri ‘woman, wife, feminine’ ← Tolai mari ‘pretty’ & English Mary

melome – ~post-pu~ sapphic, lesbian, wlw {see kule} ← toki pona ‘meli pi olin meli’

mi – ~pu~ I, me, we, us ← Esperanto mi ‘I, me’ ← Romance m- ‘(1st person singular oblique)’

mije – ~pu~ man, male, masculine person; husband {see meli, tonsi} ← Finnish mies ‘man, husband’

mijomi – ~post-pu~ gay, mlm {see kule} ← toki pona ‘mije pi olin mije’

misikeke – ~pre-pu~ medicine ← ? Ojibwe

moku – ~pu~ to eat, drink, consume, swallow, ingest ← Japanese モグモグ mogumogu ‘munching’

moli – ~pu~ dead, dying ← Acadian French mourir ‘die’

monsi – ~pu~ back, behind, rear ← Acadian French mon tchu ‘{vulgar} my ass’

monsuta – ~pre-pu~ fear, monster ← Japanese モンスター monsutā ‘monster’ ← English monster

mu – ~pu~ (animal noise or communication) | ~alt. usage~ (non-speech vocalization) ←? onomatopoeia

mulapisu – ~post-pu, humorous, word of Sonja~ pizza ←?

mun – ~pu~ moon, night sky object, star ← English moon

musi – ~pu~ artistic, entertaining, frivolous, playful, recreation ← Esperanto amuzi ‘have fun’ ← French amuser

mute – ~pu~ many, a lot, more, much, several, very; quantity | ~alt. usage~ three (or more) ← Esperanto multe ‘a lot’ ← Latin multus

namako – ~pu~ {see sin} | ~alt. usage~ embellishment, spice; extra additional ← Persian نمک namak ‘salt’

nanpa – ~pu~ -th (ordinal number); numbers ← Tok Pisin namba ‘number, (ordinal marker)’ ← English number

nasa – ~pu~ unusual, strange; foolish, crazy; drunk, intoxicated ← Tok Pisin nasau ‘stupid’

nasin – ~pu~ way, custom, doctrine, method, path, road ← Serbo-Croatian način начин ‘way, method’

neja – ~post-pu~ four ← Finnish neljä ‘four’

nena – ~pu~ bump, button, hill, mountain, nose, protuberance ← Finnish nenä ‘nose’

ni – ~pu~ that, this {see ona} ← Cantonese 呢 ni ‘this’

nimi – ~pu~ name, word ← Finnish nimi ‘name’

noka – ~pu~ foot, leg, organ of locomotion; bottom, lower part | ~alt. usage~ ten; twenty; negate five ← Serbo-Croatian noga нога ‘foot, leg’

nu – ~post-pu, humorous~ {see nuwa, sin} ← English new

nun – ~post-pu~ the digit ‘5’ ← Cantonese 五/伍 ńgh ‘five’

nuwa – ~post-pu, humorous~ {see nu, sin} ← English newer

o – ~pu~ hey! O! (vocative, imperative, or optative) {see li} ← Georgian -ო -o ‘(vocative suffix)’ & English oh

oke – ~post-pu~ (acknowledgement or acceptance) {see ke} ← English okay

okepuma - ~post-pu, humorous~ boomer, Baby Boomer, inconsiderate elder ← English okay boomer

oko – ~pu~ {see lukin} | ~alt. usage~ eye, ocular, visual {cf. lukin} ← Serbo-Croatian оko око ‘eye’

olin – ~pu~ love, have compassion for, respect, show affection to ← Serbo-Croatian volim волим ‘I love’

omekapo – ~post-pu, humorous~ goodbye, farewell, see you later, eat a good fish ← toki pona o.m.e.ka.po. ← ‘o moku e kala pona’ ← coined by janMaliku in reference to the message jan Sonja wrote on their pu during the Texas meetup

omen – ~post-pu, humorous~ sarcasm, ironic ← toki pona o.m.e.m. ← ‘o moli e mi’

ona – ~pu~ he, she, it, they ← Serbo-Croatian ona она ‘she’

open – ~pu~ begin, start; open; turn on ← English open

pa – ~post-pu, humorous~ bruh ← English bruh

pakala – ~pu~ botched, broken, damaged, harmed, messed up | ~alt. usage~ (curse expletive, e.g. fuck!) ← Tok Pisin bagarap ‘accident’ ← English bugger up

pake – ~pre-pu~ stop, cease {see pini} ←? English block

pali – ~pu~ do, take action on, work on; build, make, prepare ← Esperanto fari ‘do, make’ ← Italian fare & French faire

palisa – ~pu~ long hard thing; branch, rod, stick ← Serbo-Croatian palica палица ‘bat, rod, cane’

pan – ~pu~ cereal, grain; barley, corn, oat, rice, wheat; bread, pasta ← Romance pan ‘bread’ & Japanese パン pan (← Portuguese pão)

pana – ~pu~ give, send, emit, provide, put, release ←? Finnish panna ‘put, set, place’ or Swahili pana ‘give to each other’

pasila – ~pre-pu~ good, easy {see pona} ← French facile ‘easy’

pata – ~pre-pu~ sibling ←? Serbo-Croatian brat брат ‘brother’ or Tok Pisin brata ‘sibling or cousin of the same gender’ (← English brother)

patu – ~post-pu~ the digit ‘8’ ← Cantonese 八 /捌 baat ‘eight’

peto – ~post-pu~ cry, tears ← toki pona p.e.t.o. ← ‘pana e telo oko’

peta – ~post-pu~ green, greenish; verdant, alive; ecofriendly ← Esperanto verda ‘green’

pi – ~pu~ of [used to divide a second noun group that describes a first noun group] | ← Tok Pisin bilong ‘of’ ← English belong

pilin – ~pu~ heart (physical or emotional); feeling (an emotion, a direct experience) ← Tok Pisin pilim ‘feel’ ← pil (← English feel) + -im ‘(transitive suffix)’ ← (English him, ’em)

pimeja – ~pu~ black, dark, unlit ← Finnish pimeä ‘dark’

pini – ~pu~ ago, completed, ended, finished, past {see pake} ← French fini ‘finished, completed’ & Tok Pisin pinis ‘(perfective aspect)’ ← English finish

pipi – ~pu~ bug, insect, ant, spider ← Acadian French bibitte ‘bug’

pipo – ~post-pu, humorous~ annoy, annoyance, bothersome, boring ← toki pona pipi

po – ~pre-pu~ four ←? English four

poka – ~pu~ hip, side; next to, nearby, vicinity | ~alt. usage~ along with (comitative), beside {see kan} ← Serbo-Croatian boka бока, genitive of bok бок ‘side, flank’

poki – ~pu~ container, bag, bowl, box, cup, cupboard, drawer, vessel ← Tok Pisin bokis ‘box, {vulgar} female genitalia’ ← English box

polinpin – ~post-pu, humorous~ bowling pin ← English bowling pin

pomotolo – ~post-pu, humorous~ effective, useful, give good results ← Italian pomodoro ‘tomato,’ from the time management method developed by Francesco Cirillo in Berlin in the 1980s

pona – ~pu~ good, positive, useful; friendly, peaceful; simple ← Esperanto bona ‘good’

powe – ~pre-pu~ unreal, false, untrue, pretend, deceive, trickster ←? French faux ‘false’

pu – ~pu~ interacting with the official Toki Pona book ←? Mandarin 樸 pǔ ‘unworked wood; inherent quality; simple’ & English book

sama – ~pu~ same, similar; each other; sibling, peer, fellow; as, like ← Finnish sama ‘same’ (← PG *samaz ‘same, alike’) & Esperanto sama ‘same’ (← English same)

samu - ~post-pu, humorous, word of Sonja~ wanting to create new words ← jan Samu, a user who attempted to propose a new word

san – ~post-pu~ three {particularly in senary base; see tuli} | ~post-pu~ the digit ‘3’ ← Japanese 三 san ‘three’ | Cantonese 三/叁 sāam ‘three’

se – ~post-pu~ the digit ‘4’ ← Cantonese 四/肆 sei ‘four’

seli – ~pu~ fire; cooking element, chemical reaction, heat source ←Georgian ცხელი cxeli ‘hot’

selo – ~pu~ outer form, outer layer; bark, peel, shell, skin; boundary ←Esperanto ŝelo ‘skin, peel’ ← German Schale ‘peel, husk, shell’

seme – ~pu~ what? which? ← Mandarin 什麼 shénme ‘what, something’

sewi – ~pu~ area above, highest part, something elevated; awe-inspiring, divine, sacred, supernatural ← Georgian ზევით zevit ‘upwards’

sijelo – ~pu~ body (of person or animal), physical state, torso ← Serbo-Croatian tijelo тијело ‘body’

sike – ~pu~ round or circular thing; ball, circle, cycle; of one year ← English circle

sikomo – ~post-pu, humorous~ on a higher tier/plane, enlighten(ed), epic; to an exceedingly great extent ← English sicko mode (← Travis Scott song Sicko Mode)

sin – ~pu~ new, fresh; additional, another, extra {see namako} ← Mandarin 新 xīn ‘new, fresh’

sina – ~pu~ you, your ← Finnish sinä ‘you’

sinpin – ~pu~ face, foremost, front, wall ← Cantonese 前邊 tsin bin ‘in front’

sitelen – ~pu~ image, picture, representation, symbol, mark, writing ← Dutch schilderen ‘paint’

slape – ~post-pu, humorous~ {see lape} ← toki pona lape and English sleep

soko – ~post-pu~ fungus, fungi ← Georgian სოკო sok’o ‘mushroom”

sona – ~pu~ know, be skilled in, be wise about, have information on; (pv.) know how to ← Georgian ცოდნა codna ‘knowledge’

soto – ~post-pu~ left, left side ← Swahili shoto ‘left side’

soweli – ~pu~ animal, beast, land mammal ← Georgian ცხოველი cxoveli ‘beastly animal, lively, passionate’

su – ~post-pu, humorous~ [yes/no question marker, taking the place of li & o] {see ala} ← Esperanto ĉu ‘[yes/no question marker]; whether’

suli – ~pu~ big, heavy, large, long, tall; important; adult ← Finnish suuri ‘big, large, great’

suno – ~pu~ sun; light, brightness, glow, radiance, shine; light source ← Esperanto suno ‘sun’

supa – ~pu~ horizontal surface, thing to put or rest something on ← Esperanto surfaco ‘surface’ ← French & English surface

suwi – ~pu~ sweet, fragrant; cute, innocent, adorable ← Tok Pisin suwi ← English sweet

take – ~post-pu~ the digit ‘7’ ← Cantonese 七 /柒 chāt ‘seven’

tan – ~pu~ by, from, because of; origin, cause ← Cantonese 從 tsung ‘from’

taso – ~pu~ but, however; only ← Tok Pisin tasol ‘just, only, but, however’ ← English that’s all

tawa – ~pu~ going to, toward; for; from the perspective of; moving ← English towards

te – ~post-pu~ particle introducing a quote ← Japanese って tte ‘quotative’

teje – ~post-pu~ right, the right side ← Welsh de (/deː/) ‘right’

telo – ~pu~ water, liquid, fluid, wet substance; beverages ← Acadian French de l’eau ‘(some) water’

ten – ~post-pu~ {shortened variant of tenpo} ← toki pona tenpo

tenpo – ~pu~ time, duration, moment, occasion, period, situation ← Esperanto tempo ‘time’ ← Latin tempus

to – ~post-pu~ particle introducing a quote ← Japanese と to ‘quotative’

toki – ~pu~ communicate, say, speak, talk, use language, think ← Tok Pisin tok ← English talk

tomo – ~pu~ indoor space; building, home, house, room ← Esperanto domo ‘house’ ← Polish dom, Latin domus, Ancient Greek δόμος

tonsi – ~post pu~ trans, gender-non-conforming, non-binary {see meli, mije, kule} ← Mandarin 同志 tóngzhì ‘comrade (same will/purpose); LGBT+’

tu – ~pu~ two | ~alt. usage~ separate, cut {see kipisi} ← English two & Esperanto du

tuli – ~pre-pu~ three {see san} ← English three

unpa – ~pu~ have sexual or marital relations with ←? onomatopoeia

uta – ~pu~ mouth, lips, oral cavity, jaw ← Serbo-Croatian usta уста ‘mouth’

utala – ~pu~ battle, challenge, compete against, struggle against ← Serbo-Croatian udarati ударати ‘strike, hit, hurt’

waleja – context, topic, salience, pertinent, topical, pertain to, be relevant ← Quenya valdea ‘of moment, important’

walo – ~pu~ white, whitish; light-coloured, pale ← Finnish valko- ‘white’

wan – ~pu~ unique, united; one ← English one

waso – ~pu~ bird, flying creature, winged animal ← French oiseau ‘bird’

wawa – ~pu~ strong, powerful; confident, sure; energetic, intense ← Finnish vahva ‘strong, powerful, thick’

wawajete – ~post-pu, humorous~ something that appears to break the rules but doesn't; faux edginess, provocation ← toki pona wuwojiti (all phonotactically unviable CV syllables in toki pona)

we – ~post-pu~ (acts as a transition from one complete sentence to another) ←Spanish güey ‘man’ ← English man (sentence tag)

weka – ~pu~ absent, away, ignored ← Dutch weg ‘away, gone’

wi – ~post-pu, humorous~ we (excluding you, i.e. 1st person exclusive) {see mi} ← English we

wile – ~pu~ must, need, require, should, want, wish ← Dutch willen ‘want, desire’

yupekosi – ~post-pu, humorous, word of Sonja~ to behave like George Lucas and revise your old creative works and actually make them worse; “nobody knows how to pronounce the y” ← ?


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